Sunday, November 25, 2012

Life (although not what you may have thought) Goes On...

In the month of August, 2005, 8 weeks after my surgery I was doing pretty good. I hadn't really started the weening process, I hadn't jumped into physical therapy yet, and my whole focus was on rest and recovery. In the heart of a hot, humid, mid-west summer, I spent a lot of time in the cool A/C of my house, but I was feeling better, and that was my goal.

At the time, Doug and I had been dating for 6 years. We had been planning a wedding for the summer that I had my surgery, so as one can only imagine, that took a back seat to what was going on with my health. A wedding and a marriage were not even close to being on my radar. As a matter of fact, I had this lingering fear that Doug would just get fed up with me and all my issues and just simple walk away...and who could blame him? I didn't want to be going through this, so why would he? (That was a demon that I would re-visit over and over again in months to come.)

 But, as I've learned, life had a way for shaking you up and keeping you guessing. On Tuesday, August 16th, Doug came home from work and asked me to marry him...THAT FRIDAY! And so we wed on Friday, August 19th, 2005 at the justice of the peace in Omaha surrounded by a few family members in person and a bunch of others joining us on speaker phone via conference call.
A girl dreams about her wedding...or at least I did. I wanted the pretty dress, the cake, the dancing...all surrounded by my friends and family. That isn't what I got. As a matter of fact, I had to swallow my pride and simply turn off and push down the sadness I felt about getting married looking like I did. I would have no pretty dress. I would not have what I thought would be the perfect wedding. At first I was sad, but after a little reflection, I realized that it wasn't those things that made a marriage, it was about us loving each other and wanting to make promises to each other and I wanted nothing more.  So, I embraced it for what it was, and I said yes! We were married 3 days after Doug asked me and despite my request for no pictures, there are some pictures and I cherish the memories that I have. So much of it is a blur, so I am grateful for the pictures that help me remember.
 Here is an email that I sent August 23, 2005 to a fellow cushie shortly after we got married:

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! But I have a great excuse...

...Tuesday last week, Doug asked me to marry him. I of course, after 6 years, said yes, and we had a small ceremony Friday. It was a WHIRL-WIND of action and I'm so beat today. I feel like I've been hit by a truck! I haven't been taking any pain killers for the past 4 weeks or so to give my liver a break, but I did this weekend just so that I could keep up - as best I could anyway. I'm still pretty slow. answer your questions...I put on about 60# in the 6 months before my surgery. That was in addition to the 25-30# that I had gradually gained over the past 2 years. SO...I can confirm that I am a "HEFALUMP!" I really expected the weight to just fall off after surgery....Honestly, I really did! Sadly, that was not the case. I wish I had some advice for you, but I'm still pudgy. I'm going back to the endo this Friday for a check-up. I'm hoping that he will clear me for aqua therapy. My G.P wrote me a refferal, so all I need is the ok to get started. I'm hoping too, as it cools off a bit, to be able to start walking. My neighbor gave me her stationary bike too, so all together, I hope something starts to make a difference.

As for my eyesight....My vision is like I'm looking thru window panes with water running down them. My left eye has not improved at all. I can see clearly out of a bit of the corner of my right eye, and the more I use it, I think it is strengthening the muscle....because it seems to me that it might be getting a bit better. I do get headaches after any bit of time that I focus, but I just am so bored. It's been 4 months since I've read a book, magazine or driven my car, so I'm pretty starved for mental stimulation. I'm luckt that Doug increased the pixels on the computer, and font can be enlarged so I can see well enough to use the computer a bit every day. So...the they;ve told me that there doesn't seem to be any nerve damage in my eyes and that it could be all the water that I am retaining that is bloating and stressing my eyes out. Hopefully, as the water retention lessens and I get less "poofy", my eyes will feel the relief as well and my clear vision will come back.

They really don't seem to know what to tell me. There are so many questions that they can't seem to answer. I'm really thankful for this board. To share with others and get ideas, answers and just to hear that others have simular problems, know I'm not a freak! :)

Anyway...I hope you are doing well and recovering. Are you working yet? I go back for my first MRI after surgery the first week in September. I'm anxious. How are you feeling in general? Are you taking any pain killers? I am at 15 MG of hydrocort a day right now...I'm thinking that they might drop it again this coming week. I'll keep you posted. :)

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