Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Heart-Ache – Triple-Fold - RIP Diana, Kate & Samantha – Be free of Cushing’s and the ties that bound you.

I hate that this post follows my last post immediately, but once again, we are faced with tragic loss.    This week has been one of great tragedy.  As a community, we’ve said goodbye to another 3 people. 

I’ve been tossing this around in my mind as is common, looking for an answer, asking why? and fighting my to keep my own fear at bay. 

But here’s the thing:  It is scary.  It is heart-breaking.  I can’t change it.  It wasn’t something I did or brought on myself.  It isn’t something I can wish away or grow past.  It is my life.

What I can do is this:  I can support others who are struggling.  I can keep looking for answers and questing for help.  I can fight and I can treasure each moment that I do have.  I can live for the simply joys that are my here and how.  To do less would be a dishonor to those who have passed away fighting. 
So, with love and light and thoughts of peace, I mourn the loss of the precious Cushies that are no longer with us…and I flip this disease the bird. 

I can’t fight anyone else’s battles – I mean, come on!  Somedays I am barely fighting my own.  I can’t take away the pain.  I can’t soothe the frustration and angst out of anyone else’s life, but I can enjoy my here and now.  I am more resolute than ever to honor those who fight daily. 

I can continue to raise awareness.  I can continue to urge people to not give up.  I can continue to share what I’ve experienced in hopes that it may help just one person feel not so alone.  I can be grateful.  I can practice gratitude in my life and cherish what I do have. 

I have a friend who invited me to be part of a “Gratitude Email Group” a few years back.  I was the outsider, knowing only him, his sister and her husband.  The idea was simple.  When having a rough day, people were encouraged to reply to all in the email chain and come up with 5 things they were grateful for.  If you were so inspired when you received the message, you could reply all and add you own list.  The idea is that it isn’t required, but when feeling low, there was a place to go to take a deep breath and focus on the good – leaving the bad alone to settle.  It seemed like an odd thing at first, but, something amazing happened.  There was anonymity in a blank email to begin with, but somewhere along the line, bonds were made, miles where bridged and relationships were forged by people who had never met before. 

Gratitude in the face of tragedy can be powerful…and so, tonight, as I mourn the loss of the week and face my own fears, I am taking a moment to be grateful.  If it feel right to you, I hope you will do the same thing.  

Today I am grateful for:

1.   My husband, who continues to be my rock.
2.  The unconditional love my dogs give me – I sure would like to be the kind of person my dogs think I 
3.  The smell of rain and the soft breeze blowing my curtains.
4.   My family.  I am lucky to have had a childhood of storybooks! 
5.  Clean sheets.  I can’t wait to slip in them and rest my head and heart tonight! 
BONUS - I am grateful for the love and concern of true friends.  

RIP Diana, Kate & Samantha – Be free of Cushing’s and the ties that bound you.  
